Thursday, October 28, 2010


Although I dislike illustrator, I am glad I can use it.  I am a fan of indesign, which is kind of in a way like illustrator.  I don't know, maybe I am just in a mood to complain about it.  I am struggling like I said I would with my compositions.  They are all the same and I cannot figure out a new way to do it.  It is so frustrating.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


PROJECT 3 IS FINALLY DONE! YAY!  That just filled up my entire day with excitement! :))))))))
I am excited about this next project.  It should be fun, but I hope I don't struggle like I did with the last project.  I always struggle to begin with so maybe I will get used to it and rock it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Removal Definitions

Google Dictionary:

  • The action of removing someone or something, in particular
  • The taking away of something unwanted
    • the removal of the brain tumor
  • The abolition of something
    • the removal of all legal barriers to the free movement of goods
  • The dismissal of someone from a job or office
  • The transfer of furniture and other contents when moving from one house to another
    • removal men

       the act or process of removing : the fact of being removed
the act of removing.
change of residence, position, etc.
dismissal, as from an office.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The final is due soon which is freaking me out. I have to make everything perfect through my eyes so I go back through everything and triple check it is right.  I just wish I was not a perfectionist. AHHHHH!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Although we did not have class today, I still worked on my project at home.  My mom had no idea what I was doing, so she could not help me.  I am still trying to tweak the arrangement of drawings and I decided to redo a couple drawings.  I feel like they could be better.  I am just glad that this project is finally coming together.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No one in class said anything bad about my poster so I guess that is a good thing.  I just need to rearrange some of the drawings to use the space a little better, but other than that all I still have to figure out is the painterly drawing.  I despise painterly, however I did see this online and it kind of inspired me. I know I could never draw like this, but it would be nice.  I mean, a girl can dream, right?


Thursday, October 7, 2010


We are refining our sketches for our final poster and I think I have everything squared away, but I want to redo the nirvana, since Andrea thinks we all need help on it.  I will just explore it a little more.  Also, I need to work on the painterly.  It just needs some work.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I feel that there are soo many sketches to do.  I am starting to think that they all look the same!  The only problems that I am having is 13-15.  I guess it is towards the end that is the toughest. :(