Thursday, November 17, 2011

Graphic Design Referenced: On Newsstands (pg 322)

Who is Herb Lubalin?
            Herb Lubalin was one of the two owners of three magazines of the 1960s: Eros, Fact:, and Avant Garde.  Lubalin was given free reign in the design, and with a variety of display typefaces driven by the content, tasteful photography, and bold layouts.

Why was Esguire important?
It was a magazine that combined fiction, sports, humor, poetry, fashion and other elements of a luch lifestyle targeted at men.  The magazine gained notoriety for its journalism and content.

Who is Alexy Broadavich?
Alexy Broadavich freed the page to take pleasure in white space and the finely tuned pacing of text and image.

What did Hoefler-Jones do for Harper"s
Hoefler-Jones designed the Didot type family for Harper’s to use in the magazine.

Who is Gail Anderson?
Gail Anderson was another art director of the Rolling Stone and he was in charge of what became some of the most venturesome double-page spreads of the 1990s.

Who is David Carson?
David Carson was an art director for Raygun and he also worked on another magazine while he produced the first issue and his style gave a mainstream audience.

Who is Tibor and what is M&Co?
Tibor was the designer that played a major role in the creation of Colors Magazine.  M & Co was the New York Studio that Tibor had previously owned.

Who is Neville Brody?
Neville Brody was the art director for The Face.  The design turned from tentative and simple to a kinetic playground for typographic exploration and the graphic flotsam and jetsam it left in its path.

What is Speak?
Speak was a magazine that slowly engaged people’s attention with the turning of every page and while it was acclaimed in the design community, it failed to promote itself in the editorial world and with the lack of advertising and funding, it was led to its demise in 2001.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


David Hilliard


David Hockney


Horst P. Horst


Lori Nix


Robert Doisneau


Steven Meisel


**Tim Walker


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Font Study: ITC New Baskerville

Here is my behance link for the font study project!  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/10 Letter Fountain

_ What are small capitals? How are they different than something set in ALL CAPS?
Does your font have small caps? If not name a font that does.
Small capitals are uppercase characters set at the same height and weight as surrounding lowercase letters or text figures. You use them if you do not want to underline or bold something within your text.  ITC New Baskerville does indeed have small caps.

_ What are ligatures? why are they used? when are they not used? what are common ligatures?
Does your font have ligatures? If not name a font that does.

A ligature occurs where two or more graphemes are joined as a single glyph. Ligatures usually replace consecutive characters sharing common components and are part of a more general class of glyphs.  I honestly do not know if ITC New Baskerville has ligatures, but I have tried to look.  I do know that Garamond does.

_ What is the difference between an inch mark and a quote mark (smart quote)?
Quote marks are placed at the beginning and end of a given quote.  An inch mark are two straight identical lines that represent the measurement of an inch.  Sometimes the quote marks are curved as well.

_ What is a hyphen, en dash and em dashes, what are the differences and when are they used.
The hyphen ( ) is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.  The en dash is a short dash, the width of an en, used in punctuation.  The em dash is just a long dash used in punctuation usually used to signal interruption.