Thursday, September 30, 2010

Almost finished! Well.... not quite.

We are about done with this project.  Well, almost finished with the initial sketches.  Today we got feedback on the 9-12 sketches.  I am having trouble with the function and texture drawings.  I do not know how to show the texture of a whisk or how it is used without being straightforward.  We also worked on our last four types of drawings today.  I am excited for the typographic.  I think that my drawing for that is decent. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I absolutely love photography, even though I can't take a picture to save my life.  One of my favorites is a company called Evoke Images.  Maranda is the woman who did my senior pictures and they turned out fabulously!  Check them out! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic Relief Readings

I loved the readings, partially because I love to read.  The pictures were interesting and made the readings even more interesting.  It gave me some insight on what drawing is all about and how I should change and improve my drawings.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sketches - Gestural and Painterly

We worked on our painterly and gestural sketches mostly today and I am already struggling.  I cannot determine the difference between the two.  I just that the rest of the project does not make me struggle this much. :/

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I did interviews for the current project and I tried to get simple answers because the design of the hanger is extremely simple.

Kendall Mixon
What do you think of when you hold or see a hanger?
Hassle Hanging Up Clothes.
What do you wish was different about the hanger?
Stuff Wouldn’t Slide.
What do you like about it?
Most Are Sturdy.
What kind of hanger do you prefer?

Sarah Morris
What do you think of when you hold or see a hanger?
What do you wish was different about the hanger?
Stuff Wouldn’t Slide.
What do you like about it?
Different Colors.
What kind of hanger do you prefer?
Regular and Pant Hangers.

Ashley Benson
What do you think of when you hold or see a hanger?
What do you wish was different about the hanger?
Wouldn’t Brake.
What do you like about it?
Holds Up Clothes.
What kind of hanger do you prefer?
Metal and Regular.

Jordan Sova
What do you think of when you hold or see a hanger?
What do you wish was different about the hanger?
Easier To Hang Up Clothes.
What do you like about it?
What kind of hanger do you prefer?
Colorful and Regular.

Lauren Drummond
What do you think of when you hold or see a hanger?
Pain To Hold Up Clothes.
What do you wish was different about the hanger?
What do you like about it?
What kind of hanger do you prefer?
Pant Hanger.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11, 2001

Yesterday I was trying to do homework (particularly BDS work), but I couldn't do anything.  Too much was on my mind. This shall explain it:

Being a designer, I feel that we could do something to help take care of these people in need.  Im not sure what, but I want to figure it out.  Some sort of charity work. Yeah.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Class Reflection

As a group, we combined all our ideas and made the best possible project that we could.  It helped me because I got to bounce my ideas off someone else, and in this case I had two people to bounce my ideas off of.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I am running for student senate and I am making posters.  I was looking around for inspiration and I found this the other day..... 

doesn't it just look appealing?  I mean who wouldn't want to look at something like that....?


Where is IDEO?
Who is the founder?

Dave Kelly
Who is on the team, what are the roles?
Peter Skillman- Project Leader (Standford Engineer), Whitney Morderman (Harvard MBA), Peter Kauflan (Linguist), Tom Kelly (Marketing Expert), Jane Fultonsurey (Psychologist), Alex Kasax (Biology Major). There are really no certain roles, they work as a team and are all equals.
What is the deep dive process?
Team members get together and present ideas and then vote on which ideas they like.
What are the rules (montra) written on the walls around?

Think of your product in terms of verbs rather than nouns, concentrate on one conversation at a time, stay focused, encourage wild ideas, go for quantity, be visual, defer judgment, build on the ideas of others
What is the motto?

Trial and error succeeds over the planning.
How can this process work in your major? (it can work in every major).
In order to see what looks the best in graphic design, trial and error is the key.  You may have a plan and are convinced that this plan is the best, but when trying new things you could find something better.