Sunday, August 28, 2011

“Typographical design should perform optically what the speaker creates through voice and gesture of his thoughts.” — El Lizzitsky

Define Weight
            The density or the lightness of the individual letterforms

Define Width
            The width of the font is how stretched out a letter is or how narrow it is.

Define Style
            Level of boldness or kind of letter within a typeface

Define Font
            The term “font” relates to a specific size and style of a given typeface

Define Typeface
The term typeface is used to describe a complete alphabet including letters, numerals, punctuation marks, accents, special reference marks etc.

Define x-height
            The height of the lowercase x

Define Cap Height
            The height of capital letterforms

Define Leading
            The spacing between lines of letters

Define Letterspacing (tracking)
Applying tiny spaces in-between small cap letters to make them more agreeable to the eye

How is type measured in inches, mm, points, or picas?
            Type is usually measured in points

Define Point
            A point is the smallest unit of measure and a division of the larger pica

Define Pica
A typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch

How many points in an inch?
There are 72 points in an inch

If a letter is set in 36 pts about how many inches tall is it?
            ½ of an inch tall

How many picas in an inch?
            There are 6 picas in an inch

How many points in a pica?
            The pica contains 12 point units of measure

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